If mess and disorder are your constant nemeses, follow these simple steps for reducing clutter and eliminating excess from your life.

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Organization is an equation that factors in time, space, money, and effort. When we’re organizing with ADHD, we give the greatest value to time and effort.
Watch this video to learn how to minimize clutter, and maximize order in five important rooms in your home.
Your Room-By-Room Organization Guide
For adults with ADHD, efficiency is your battle cry — fewer steps, less effort.
Because if clearing out clutter is complicated, you won’t do it.
Guiding principles for an organized life:
Reduce what you have.
Be resourceful. Find creative ways to use things you already own.
Be resilient. Don’t immediately buy more when you find you’re lacking.
Then, follow these steps to organize your home (for good)!
1. Kitchen
Ditch Tupperware bottoms and tops with no matching partner. Use zip-close bags or tin foil instead.
Donate your mismatched plates and bowls, and buy a uniform set to simplify cabinet space.
2. Closet
Whittle down your shoe collection to those that will fit in a single row in your closet.
When you open the door, kick the ones you’re wearing into line.
3. Living Room
Place a waste paper basket in a central location.
When clutter piles up on tables and counters, begin tossing.
4. Office
Resolve to shred only papers with a Social Security number.
Lay everything else – receipts, paid bills – flat in a recycling bin that you empty once a week.
5. Playroom
Set a timer for three minutes, and challenge your kids to pick up as much as possible before it goes off.
Make a habit of donating outgrown toys.
Tidy for 5 Minutes a Day
Before you plop on the couch, take five minutes to put away the big stuff.
That way nothing is left laying out when you’re too tired to move or when you’re trying to begin a fresh day in the morning.
Create Routines
Make Wednesday bill-paying day, or Tuesday laundry day. Then, the rest of the week you can relax because you know you have a set time to tackle that chore.
When you’re looking for systems to streamline your home, ask yourself:
Is it efficient?
Can I do it in one step?
For more home-organization strategies, visit http://additu.de/clutter
Author: Susan Pinsky
Article Source: https://www.additudemag.com/how-to-organize-your-home-video/