ADHD facts
Some UK statistics
In the UK it’s thought that between 2% to 5% of school aged children have ADHD.
The prevalence of ADHD in the adult population is between 3% and 4% but the majority of these individuals are undiagnosed.
It was thought that children diagnosed with ADHD can outgrow the symptoms of ADHD in adolescence however this is not always the case and many individuals still exhibit ADHD challenges well into their adult life.
Up to 60% of adults who have childhood ADHD will continue to show symptoms into their adult life.
The NHS has accepted ADHD as a condition since 2009. It is possible to access diagnosis and treatment through the NHS but it must be done through a GP.
Undiagnosed and/or untreated ADHD in children
If children are not diagnosed and subsequently treated for ADHD they may struggle with the following:
Making friends
Keeping friends
May have short term memory challenges
Struggle with attending to conversation
Interrupt other’s conversation in order to get their point across
Overreact to certain situations
Are often the victim of bullying or are bullies themselves
Maybe unreliable and have difficulty following through
Keeping up with academic tasks in the classroom
Have problems sleeping at night
Undiagnosed and/or untreated ADHD in adults
Many adults living with ADHD may have taught themselves a range of coping strategies which may work for them. However, there are occasions where these strategies fail and this is when ADHD adults seek help. If adults are not diagnosed and subsequently treated for ADHD they may struggle with the following:
Being able to concentrate for longer periods
Forgetfulness and short term memory issues
Being disorganised
Have difficulty maintaining daily routines
Impulsive behaviour which is often interpreted by others as being thoughtlessness
Impulsive and angry outbursts
Low self esteem which can lead to depression
Poor social skills
Poor time management
Feeling overwhelmed by everyday tasks
Moving from planning a task to ‘doing’ a task
Having trouble completing a task
BUT please don’t forget...!!!
Many clients with ADHD have undiscovered strengths they have been taking for granted or ignoring for years. Some of these maybe...
Intuitive thinking
Quick thinking
Boundless enthusiasm
Use coaching as a tool to unlock these hidden talents! Learn how to harness them and use them at home, in your relationship and in the workplace.
Coaching will help you move forward by unleashing your inner strengths so you can go about your daily life in your own unique way.
This does not happen overnight, so coaching is an investment you give to yourself. If you think coaching can help you overcome some of the challenges above then book a free consultation call here.